
class protoclass.extraction.SpatialExtraction(base_modality, kind='position', coord_system='euclidean', reference='centre')[source]

Spatial extraction from standalone modality.


base_modality : object

The base modality on which the normalization will be applied. The base modality should inherate from StandaloneModality class.

kind : str, optional (default=’position’)

The type of spatial feature to extract. Can be either ‘position’ or ‘distance’.

coord_system : str, optional (default=’euclidean’)

The type of coordinate system to use. Can be either ‘euclidean’ or ‘cylindrical’.

reference : str, optional (default=’centre’)

If type is ‘distance’, the reference can be either ‘centre’ or ‘nn-contour-point’


base_modality_ (object) The base modality on which the normalization will be applied. The base modality should inherate from StandaloneModality class.
roi_data_ (ndarray, shape flexible) Corresponds to the index to consider in order to fit the data.
data_ (ndarray,) Containing the data of all the slices according to the desired spatial information


fit(modality[, ground_truth, cat]) Compute the images images.
load_from_pickles(filename) Function to load a normalization object.
save_to_pickles(filename) Function to save a normalizatio object using pickles.
transform(modality[, ground_truth, cat]) Extract the data from the given modality.
__init__(base_modality, kind='position', coord_system='euclidean', reference='centre')[source]


__init__(base_modality[, kind, ...])
fit(modality[, ground_truth, cat]) Compute the images images.
load_from_pickles(filename) Function to load a normalization object.
save_to_pickles(filename) Function to save a normalizatio object using pickles.
transform(modality[, ground_truth, cat]) Extract the data from the given modality.
fit(modality, ground_truth=None, cat=None)[source]

Compute the images images.


modality : object of type TemporalModality

The modality object of interest.

ground-truth : object of type GTModality or None

The ground-truth of GTModality. If None, the whole data will be considered.

cat : str or None

String corresponding at the ground-truth of interest. Cannot be None if ground-truth is not None.


Function to load a normalization object.


filename : str

Filename to the pickle file. The extension should be .p.


bpp : object

Returns the loaded object.


Function to save a normalizatio object using pickles.


filename : str

Filename to the pickle file. The extension should be .p.



transform(modality, ground_truth=None, cat=None)[source]

Extract the data from the given modality.


modality : object of type StandaloneModality

The modality object of interest.

ground-truth : object of type GTModality or None

The ground-truth of GTModality. If None, the whole data will be considered.

cat : str or None

String corresponding at the ground-truth of interest. Cannot be None if ground-truth is not None.



data : ndarray, shape (n_sample, n_feature)

A matrix containing the features extracted. The number of samples is equal to the number of positive label in the ground-truth. If distance, a single feature is returned. If position, 3 features are returned.